miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017

Home Remedies to Eliminate Pests, Part II

A simple home remedy can be the most effective and least harmful solution.

At present, farmers and plant lovers join their passion and profession to the organic care of crops. The idea is to find natural and healthy solutions to protect plants and prevent pests from reaching your territories. Want to know more about home methods that will help you in cases of minor pest problems and prevent their growth? Today, ITerminate brings you more homemade repellents made of easy ingredients that will help you in your pest crusade!


Basil is considered a plant with many properties that can improve your health. It also serves to extend the life of plants, as it is a useful repellent and insecticide. A basil-based preparation can repel whiteflies and even aphids, moths and worms. To make this powerful repellent, you only have to crush the leaves and flowers of the basil with a mortar, take them to a container with water and let them macerate for a week. The resulting liquid will be your best ally against pests.


Nettle is not only irritating to humans but also to specific pests. Besides being an excellent fertilizer, it also works as a pesticide against aphids; for its preparation, you only have to mix a handful of nettle leaves with 10 liters of water, let it rest for two to four days and finally separate the liquid from the leaves.


Lavender is a plant that can attract insects, such as bees and butterflies, which are beneficial to other plants. However, it also serves to scare away other small insects, such as ants, that can destroy your garden. Adequate preparation is lavender leaves (300 grams) with a liter of water; you make an infusion with these ingredients and let it cool before spraying the plants.

Cow's milk

Believe it or not, this typical kitchen element is also used to combat certain pests such as fungus. In some cases it can be useful to just mix equal parts of water and milk and spray on plants with those annoying white fungus on their leaves. A similar mixture can also be prepared with water, milk and baking soda. Likewise, to combat insect eggs you can mix fresh milk with 4 cups of flour and 20 lt of water.


Tobacco can be as harmful to some pests as it is to us. A widespread use of tobacco is as a pesticide against red spider mite, aphid, and whitefly. The tobacco preparation is quite simple, mix 50 or 60 grams of tobacco with 1 liter of water and about 10 grams of neutral soap or natural; you must boil this mixture for 5 minutes and separate the liquid from the solid. After using it, remember to let it work and then wash the plants with clean water.

As you can see, there are natural alternatives to scare away and eliminate the annoying pests that destroy your plants. These home remedies help in cases of minor pests, however, if the problem becomes more serious do not forget that you will always have the alternative to calling experts in the area of ecological extermination such as ITerminate. To find out more about them and other pest issues, follow them through their social networks and share any questions you may have.

A mixture of plants and water can help you with the common plant pest

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viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2017

Cinco remedios caseros para eliminar las plagas (Parte I)

Antes de que existieran los plaguicidas, los agrónomos usaban remedios naturales contra las plagas.

Cuando nuestro hogar es víctima de alguna plaga, creemos que la solución radical es la compra de cualquier pesticida en el mercado. Escogemos por referencias o dejándonos guiar por la publicidad, sin acudir a profesionales. Si el producto no es efectivo, nuestra preocupación aumenta.

Sin embargo, a veces los conflictos que parecen más difíciles requieren soluciones sencillas. En iTerminate nos preocupamos por tu bienestar. Siempre recomendamos a nuestros clientes llamar a especialistas según el tipo de plaga, pero, a veces, ni siquiera es necesario. En la entrada especial de hoy, aprenderás a lidiar con las plagas usando remedios con ingredientes caseros. ¡Anímate, no te dejes vencer por las plagas!


El ajo es un condimento ampliamente usado en las recetas caseras más deliciosas, ¿pero sabías que su fuerte olor también cuida tus plantas? Si tienes problemas con orugas, mosquitos o murciélagos en tu jardín, el ajo es la solución que esperabas. Mezcla dos ajos triturados con clavitos de especias y dos vasos de agua. Hecho esto, déjalo reposar un día y luego añade otros dos vasos de agua. Puedes aplicarlo a las hojas y los tallos de tus plantas con un spray.

Hojas de tomate

Si bien el tomate es una de las frutas más jugosas y ricas, sus hojas son un poco más despreciadas por los cocineros. Lo que ellos no saben (y nosotros sí) es que están llenas de alcaloide, una proteína que repele pulgones, orugas y gusanos. Al picarlas y mezclarlas con agua, crearás un líquido con un aroma imperceptible para el humano, pero molesto para los insectos.

Cáscara de huevo

Los huevos son una fuente de proteína para el cuerpo y un excelente hidratante para tu cabello y tu piel. Ahora, también puedes aprovechar la cáscara de huevo en tu jardín si las trituras y rocías en la tierra. Además de ser un fertilizante natural, espanta a los gusanos y orugas.


Si tienes problemas con los ácaros y otros bichitos del interior de tu casa, ¡la solución está en tu nevera! El cilantro también repele insectos voladores como moscas y mosquitos, además, elimina a las orugas del jardín. Para aprovechar su potencial, hierve unas cuantas hojas por diez minutos. Luego, cuela el agua y rocíala con un spray.

Aceite vegetal

El aceite vegetal es muy bueno en las ensaladas, pero también para tu jardín. Aunque no estés planificando comerte tus flores, aprovéchalo para repeler algunos insectos. Al rociar aceite vegetal mezclado con jabón líquido y agua, espantaras en seguida a los ácaros, cochinillas, ácaros, orugas y pulgoncillos.

¿A que no son fáciles y prácticos estos remedios? iTerminate se especializa en soluciones eficaces contra la plaga, ¿lo mejor? ¡nuestros productos no dañan el medio ambiente? Nuestras recetas antiplagas no usan químicos perjudiciales para el ciclo natural de tus plantas ni hace daño a tus mascotas. ¡Contáctanos a través de nuestra web o redes sociales!

Los pesticidas químicos pueden causar daños irreparables a tu huerto.

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Twitter: ITerminate

miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

Ants: Several Types of Household Pests

Ants colonies can be located outside or inside your home. And in every colony, there may be more than one queen. 

Many insects in the world can be a nuisance to your home. These are small animals that usually appear in large numbers; one example is ants, characterized by not coming alone. Today ITerminate brings you all the information you need to know about them and how to differentiate easily two of the most common type of ants.

Meet the ants

Ants are small insects with a body very similar to that of bees and wasps. They present three main parts, the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. They are arthropods and possess a skin that is identified as an exoskeleton, a kind of surface with small holes that allow its oxygenation since they do not have lungs.

The ant colony has a well-structured labor division. First of all, there is the queen ant, which has wings and lays eggs. Secondly, you can find the worker ants; they are all females and are in charge of building the nest and looking for food. Finally, there are the males of the colony, who have the task of mating with future queen ants; they do not usually live long.

Their lifetime varies according to the species. In general, worker ants can last from 2 to 3 months or only a couple of weeks. However, some queen ants can last up to 10 or 15 years, and during that time they can lay thousands of eggs.

Common Ants

Nowadays, there are approximately 20,000 species of ants. However, in today's blog, you will read about two of the most common species that can be present at your home and pose a pest problem.

Carpenter ants

The carpenter ant is one of the largest that can be found. In general, they are black, although you can also see the so-called red and black carpenter. This ants bear the name “carpenter” due to the fact of building nests in the wood and are characterized by being one of the species with a single ant queen that can produce up to 2000 working ants.

This is the ant that is most frequently seen at homes on the American continent and often represents a pest problem. As they usually nest in wood and make a tunnel in it, they can weaken the structures and foundations of a house, which can lead to losing a lot of money on repairs. They can usually be confused with termites because of the damage to the wood; however, you should always keep in mind that they don't eat wood but build their home on it.

Fire ants

This is one of the most aggressive ants; its name is due to the color of its skin: the head and chest are reddish with brown spots, while the abdomen is much darker.The fire ant colony may consist of several queens and can produce between 100,000 and 400,000 worker ants. This ant can eliminate other colonies of other ant species.

This ant can be found outside or inside your home, although they usually nest under soil mounds in landscape areas or near a building's foundation. The biggest problem with these ants is their aggressiveness and tendency to bite with their strong jaws while inoculating their venom. This sting can be very painful and can be a severe problem for people with allergy. Likewise, they are in symbiosis with aphids so they can cause damage to the plants and their soil mounds can damage crops.

Each ant has characteristics that can help identify them more efficiently and treat the problem they can cause. In small amounts, these tiny organisms are not harmful, but when they become a pest, it is necessary to call in experts and eliminate them before they cause more severe problems. If you think this situation is present in your home, don't hesitate to call ITerminate, a company that exterminates pest in an eco-friendly way and can answer any question you may have.

There are more than 20,000 species of ants in the world, and several of them can be considered pests.

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Twitter: ITerminate

viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2017

Conoce Posibles Inquilinos: Las Plagas Domésticas Más Comunes Parte II

Identificar una plaga es el primer paso para su control.

Hoy en día, ya no es necesario ser un agrónomo para identificar a las plagas. Basta con leer algunas señales en tu cosecha para saber que hay un posible visitante que está matando tus plantas. En casa ocurre lo mismo. A veces no te das cuenta que inquilinos indeseados dañan la estructura o tus muebles.

Por eso, en la entrada de hoy continuaremos indagando en los perfiles de las plagas domésticas más comunes. De esta forma, lograrás identificarlos a tiempo. Si en tu casa se presentan más de tres señales o “síntomas” en esta lista, te recomendamos que contactes con nosotros, iTerminate, para una evaluación exhaustiva antiplagas.  

Moscas domésticas

Las moscas domésticas son una de las plagas más frecuentes en lugares con comida o depósitos de basura. Durante el día, les agradan las planicies cerca del suelo, preferiblemente húmedas, como la madera o el plástico. Durante la noche se alimentan de comida humana o animal, en buen o mal estado. Las moscas domésticas son rápidas, sus sentidos agudizados les hacen difíciles de cazar.

Aunque parezcan inofensivas, estos insectos molestos pueden hacer más daño de lo que crees. Debido a su constante contacto con la basura y las heces, portan enfermedades como la tuberculosis, tifus, cólera o diarrea, sobre todo en los niños.


Las ratas y los ratones son mamíferos que viven en colonias grandes, pues una sola pareja puede engendrar hasta 400 crías por año. Se alimentan de restos de comida humana, basura o heces. Les gusta morder las superficies duras, como madera o plástico, y adentrarse en lugares oscuros y fríos como sótanos, áticos o incluso dentro de las paredes son separadores de ambiente.
Aunque poseen características físicas distintas, las ratas y ratones son igual de dañinas. Una mordedura de roedor puede generar infecciones graves; así mismo, su contacto con las bajas superficies puede traer piojos, pulgas y garrapatas. Un roedor muerto trae un sin fin de parásitos y bacterias que son perjudiciales para la salud.


Las termitas (o comején) se diferencian de otras especies de hormigas por sus mandíbulas y su apetito implacable. Una colonia de termitas puede arrasar con cualquier superficie de madera como bibliotecas, estantes, muebles, e incluso las bases de una casa. Se refugian en sitios oscuros y húmedos como closets o detrás de los estantes, pues son sensibles a la luz solar.

Esta plaga es una de las más destructivas. Se reproducen rápidamente y son muy territoriales, así que siempre están explorando, buscando alimento. Una señal infalible de presencia de termitas son las pequeñas incisiones en madera, papel o telas, así como también la aparición de polvo o aserrín en lugares inusuales.


Esta plaga es una de las más peligrosas, ya que son muy violentas y pueden atacar a los humanos. Las avispas forman sus enjambres en sitios altos y abiertos como árboles, techos o terrazas. Algunas especies perforan la madera para refugiarse del viento o de los enemigos naturales.

Se alimentan de polen o de los nutrientes de otros insectos. Su aguijón les permite defenderse en caso de una emergencia extrema, pues una vez que pican, mueren irremediablemente. Las avispas pueden causar grandes daños patrimoniales si no se controlan a tiempo. Por ejemplo, las avispas de madera pueden devorar una superficie con tal de expandir su colmena y dominar su territorio.

Recuerda que identificar las plagas en casa es solo el primer paso para erradicarlas. Algunas son más dañinas que otras, por lo que debes tener mucho cuidado y llamas a un especialista. En ITerminate contamos con todo el personal profesional para el mantenimiento preventivo del hogar, pero también nos especializamos en la erradicación y control de las plagas. Contáctanos y verás la diferencia en casa.

Algunas plagas son más dañinas que otras, ¡aprende a distinguirlas!

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Instagram: ITerminate

Twitter: ITerminate

miércoles, 15 de noviembre de 2017

Pesticides: The Consequences

Some pests can be genetically resistant to the toxic substances of the pesticides

Pests are one of the biggest annoyances when it comes to crops and taking care of your home. Currently there are several methods to control them; however, one of the most effective will always be extermination with chemicals such as pesticides. They are probably very useful, but have you thought about the consequences that the components of these powerful products can have?  

Always thinking about the needs of its customers, ITerminate brings you the possible effects that the indiscriminate use of pesticides can have on health, food and even pests.

Pesticide resistance

In recent years, a large insect population with less genetic sensitivity to the toxic components of pesticides has appeared. In some cases, pesticides eliminate the weakest community and leave alive those that are resistant to toxins and will reproduce, resulting in more significant pesticide-resistant populations of insects.

Likewise, pesticides have been one of the agents that have generated the pests genetic modifications. The improper use of insecticides creates resistance to the component of that specific substance and also to other products of the same chemical group, which can complicate the work of a professional exterminator.

Ecosystem alteration and pollution

Pesticides are pollutants that carry high risks to the environment. Many of these chemicals are part of the persistent organic pollutants, compounds that do not undergo degradation and are highly toxic.

Because of their persistence, these chemicals often accumulate over time in the areas where they were used. Due to their low solubility and lipid concentration they can also gather more easily in the fatty tissues of animals such as fish. Likewise, this characteristic affects the entire food chain: animals eat other contaminated animals and the accumulation of chemicals increases.

In addition to affecting the food chain with the accumulation of toxins, pesticides can kill other beneficial life forms including the natural enemies of pests. This also may result in the population of other animals that were not considered pests are increasing as the organisms that kept them under control no longer exist.

Regarding contamination, thanks to their characteristics, pesticide components can remain in food and move quickly through the water, soil, and air, putting the lives of animals, plants, and humans at risk.

Health Risks

The use of pesticides poses a severe health risk. The World Health Organization estimates that there are 3 million cases of pesticide poisoning and 250,000 deaths from the use of these chemicals.

Adverse effects in humans may occur by skin contact, direct ingestion of the product or through food and water, and inhalation. This pesticide consumption can cause two types of intoxication: chronic intoxication, which can take even years to manifest and generates various kinds of diseases such as cancer; and acute poisoning, in which symptoms are more immediate and can cause from headaches to death.

Despite the good results of conventional pesticides, the adverse effects they can have on our environment must always be taken into account. If you have doubts about the best solution to treat any pest, it is best to call experts who can give you the best information, the best advice, and the best alternatives.

In these cases, you can call ITerminate, experts in pest extermination with eco-friendly methods. Don't hesitate to follow them through their social networks to keep up to date on all the pest control issues.

Although efficient in killing pests, pesticides can be a health hazard.

Facebook: ITerminate
Instagram: ITerminate

Twitter: ITerminate

miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Meet Possible Roommates: The Most Common Household Pests Part I

ITerminate identifies the most common pests!

In the world of pests, human beings have to face many bugs and small or large animals that can affect homes, crops and even workplaces. When you deal with a household pest, the challenges can be very different from those that arise when it comes to the organisms that attack your plants, so you should always be prepared to take care of your house as well.

Today, ITerminate offers you the first part of the most common household pests list. It may not be such a pleasant path, but it is necessary to ensure a safer home and free from unwanted roommates.


The first ones on our list are the ants. In some cases, finding them at home is not unusual, but when they start to appear in higher numbers, it can be a problem since an ant in search of food can bring the whole hive with it.

Ants can live almost anywhere in the world, and the tropics are the most favorable place for their appearance. Although few ant species cause severe damage, these small insects can affect gardens, buildings, electronic devices and in some cases harm health or represent a nuisance with their bites.

Bed bugs

Bed bugs are small organisms that are difficult to detect. One of the features that always help to identify them is their constant and annoying bites. Bed bugs eat human and bat blood and usually last a long time without food. These small insects are often hidden under the wallpaper, bedding, and mattresses.

Their bite can generate diseases and, at present, they have become resistant to insecticides, so their extermination should always be considered an urgent task. In cases of bed bugs, it is recommended to look for experts to exterminate the problem.


Spiders are the most common pests that can be found in a house if we take into account that there are around 35,000 identified species. In general, home spiders are not usually harmful insects, because they can also bring several benefits. However, depending on the species they can also be quite dangerous and in a more considerable amount they can represent a pest.

Usually, these insects hide in dark places that go from the humid basement to warm ventilation ducts or room corners. If fear of arachnids does not paralyze you, remember not to approach or touch these animals, as their bite or other defense mechanisms can be highly damaging.


These insects are famous for their difficult extermination, their longevity and the diseases they carry. They are crawling animals that are usually found in garbage dumps and places with massive food waste. They are quite elusive and good at hiding, which sometimes makes it difficult to detect and eliminate them.

The cockroaches found in the tropics are usually larger and reproduce more frequently thanks to the warm climate. These animals seek access to homes since these places offer them food and a warm place to live. Currently, they are considered the number one household pest and one of the most difficult to exterminate due to their ability to survive.

These are just some of the most common pests that we can find in our homes. In some cases, home pest control can work, but when it is a problem that gets out of control, it is necessary to contact experts who can solve your question in the best possible way. In those cases do not hesitate to call ITerminate, experts in pest extermination in an efficient and eco-friendly way.

Insects such as cockroaches and bedbugs can cause diseases

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Twitter: ITerminate

viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017

Utiliza los métodos más efectivos para el control biológico de plagas

El control biológico de plagas se adapta a las necesidades de los cultivos. ¡Escoge seriamente!
El control biológico es un método efectivo y ampliamente practicado por los especialistas contra las plagas. Consiste en la introducción de enemigos naturales de aquellos insectos dañinos en los cultivos o jardines. Esta práctica reduce el uso de insecticidas que suelen ser perjudiciales para los suelos, plantas y medio ambiente. También es una opción bastante económica y funcional.

El control de plagas a través de métodos biológicos es otra de las especialidades de iTerminate, por esta razón, nuestra entrada de hoy está inspirada en nuestra experiencia profesional. Te garantizamos que las siguientes técnicas de control de plagas son 100% efectivas, pero solo si lo dejas en manos de especialistas como nosotros.

Método clásico

Consiste en la inducción de un agente de control para la erradicación total de la plaga a mediano y largo plazo. Para esto, se introduce un parasitoide en los cultivos que sirve como “vacuna” contra sus enemigos naturales. Este método es uno de los más efectivos, pues previene el contagio con plagas incluso  antes de que nazcan las plantas.

Método de conservación

Al igual que el clásico, la función de la conservación es prever que aparezcan insectos dañinos. No obstante, la principal característica de este procedimiento es que el ambiente natural se modifica a beneficio del cultor. Para esto, a medida que se siembran las plantas, en una franja de tierra se cosechan gramíneas para fomentar la reproducción de insectos útiles.

Método de inoculación

Esta disciplina implica introducir al cultivo o jardin insectos útiles, es decir, enemigos naturales de las plagas. Estos insectos suelen inocularse poco a poco y de forma periódica, de forma que se reproduzcan en el cultivo y utilicen a las plagas como fuente de alimento (y a veces como nidos). Así, la eliminación de la plaga es subsecuente y se previenen futuros contagios.

Método de inundación

Se refiere a la inoculación de insectos útiles de forma masiva para combatir a una plaga en estado intermedio o avanzado. Es una práctica poco regular, ya que se recomienda a los agricultores que tomen precauciones desde antes de iniciar una cosecha; sin embargo, a veces es imposible prever un contagio, por lo que la inundación es necesaria.

Ahora que sabes un poco más sobre los métodos de control biológicos, podrás defender tus plantas de animales, bacterias e insectos no deseados. Los servicios especializados de iTerminate te ofrecen respaldo, seguridad y efectividad contra las plagas de cualquier tipo, sea en tus cultivos, tu jardín o tu propia casa. ¡Contáctanos y prevé futuros inconvenientes!
Acudir a un profesional es el mejor método de prevención y cura de tus plantaciones.

Facebook: ITerminate
Instagram: ITerminate
Twitter: ITerminate

Manejo de plagas: trampas para insectos

Para poder aplicar estas trampas primero debes identificar a la plaga para no confundirla con otros insectos beneficiosos o sus enemigos n...